Wednesday 11 June 2014

Vice and Virtue
There is seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues. The sins includes:
And the heavenly virtues include:
The seven deadly sins and seven lively virtues don’t come form the bible however have been around for early Christian times. For one of the seven deadly sins to be committed, for some is considered that the ultimate punishment should take place, hell. Some strong believers also think that if you wish to go to heaven the seven lively virtues should be a part of your life. No one person is completely good or completely evil even though some people like to think differently. Every person has the capacity to decide their path, to take the path of sin or virtue. Throughout this post there will be information and opinions on the 14 different sins and virtues this includes reasons for why they may exist and their teaching values. Also included will be the symbols of the sins and virtues and how they may appear today.

The Seven Deadly Sins

The definition of pride is; satisfaction of one’s own achievements or excessive belief in own abilities. A symbol that is associated with pride is the crown because that is how one may see themselves after achieving a goal. The appearance of pride today may be some such as an inflamed ego. The appearance of pride in today’s world is of someone that is self-obsessed. Pride exist as a sin because when you are young, your teacher may have told you to have pride in yourself and your accomplishments; however, some people take it to extreme. Thinking that they are better than everyone around them if they achieve great goals. They should have some glory, however, knowing when to stop is important. Pride teaches us to acknowledge our achievements obsessively, we can learn from this by acknowledging, but not obsessing over self-satisfaction. 

The definition of envy is; the feeling of resentment, wanting things that others have and you don’t. Symbols that are associated with the image of envy are; jewels or the diamond. The feelings of envy come from the cravings of royalty such as jewels and diamonds.  The appearance today of envy is resentment. Envy may exist because of parents making comparisons of their child to other children saying ‘Why can’t you be like that’ creating the desire inside someone to have what others have.  Envy tells us to be jealous of others and there achievements and images we can learn from this by working on self-image rather than comparing our image to others.

The definition of greed is; intense selfishness, desire to have more such as; wealth, food and power.  Symbols that are associated with greed are; the three circles. The three circles represent more, more stuff that is the cravings of greed. The circle could also represents a circle of emptiness repeating itself. The appearance of greed today can be seen as addiction although greed is still well known. Greed may exist because of people allowed to have too much of a good thing/being spoilt. Creating the desire to want more. Greed is about having more and more, we can learn from this by being grateful for what is given instead of craving more stuff that we simply don’t need.

The definition of lust is; Strong sexual desire. Symbols that are associated with lust are the heart and a line thing, as seen below. The line looks as if it represents mixed emotions, which could be considered as lust. The appearance of lust today is desire but also still recognised as, lust. Lust exist because of built up passion for others and possible confusion for love. Lust is about having strong desires we can learn from this by taming the built up ‘wants’.

The definition of sloth is; Laziness, reluctant to work or make any effort. A symbols associated with sloth is the circle this could symbols a never ending circle of nothing, being stuck at the bottom. The appearance of sloth today can be seen as laziness. Sloth is in existence because people have been given the option of work and they take the easy way out. Sloth is about laziness and reluctance to work, we can learn from this by doing the opposite and being open to help others.

The definition of gluttony is; habitual greed or excess in eating. Symbols associated with gluttony are the three circles as seen before with greed, these sins are similar to each other. The appearance of gluttony today is seen as; addiction or greed. Gluttony is like greed it exist because of people were allowed to have too much of a good thing and be spoilt. Therefore creating the desire to want more. Gluttony is about having more and more, we can learn from this by being grateful for what is given instead of craving more stuff that we simply don’t need. Example; more food.

Definition: Strong feelings such as; annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. A symbol associated with anger is the star and the colour red. Anger appears today as rage or simply still, anger. Anger exist because of built up feelings; of annoyance, displeasure or hostility. This causes people to become unsettled with rage because they need release of all the displeasures brought on to them by others. Anger is explained as rage because of inflicted issues on a person it can teach us to deal with our emotions in a different way rather than outburst.

The Seven Virtues
The definition of faith is seen as; complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Example; God. A symbol that is associated with faith today is the cross. Faith is strongly associated with belief in God therefore it is connected to the cross a religious symbol. Faith appears in today society as belief in God. Faith is in existence because of the doubts of others about God. Faith teaches us to believe no matter what others say.

The definition of hope is seen as; a feeling of expectation and desire for an event or particular thing to happen. A symbol strongly associated with hope is the anchor. Hope could be seen as optimism in today’s society. Hope exist to help people through times of struggle when doubt is around. Hope teaches us to believe even in times of struggle it can give comfort to people.

The definition of love is; a strong feeling of affection. A symbol strongly associated with love is the heart. The appearance of love today is still simply, love. Love exist because it’s better to be with people who care rather than being alone. Love teaches us that through times of trouble you aren't alone. Love is something everyone knows about, simple but complex to explain. 

The definition of prudence is; action of cautiousness. A symbol associated with prudence is, eyes. The appearance of prudence in today’s world can be seen as, caution. Prudence exist because carelessness is full of faults. Prudence teaches us to be cautions of our surroundings and the misleading of others.

The definition of justice is; fair behaviour or treatment for all. A symbol that is strongly associated with justice is the scales as seen to the right. The appearance of justice today can be seen as equal treatment for all humans. Justice is also strongly associated with the law. Justice exist to create meaning of what is fair to all, so none has too much power over another. Justice teaches us to be fair to everyone as we wish/expect they would be to us.

Fortitude is definition as; courage in times pain or adversity. A symbol that is possibly associated with fortitude is; the medical symbol as seen to the left. This symbols represents medicine and the times of pain that come with it, therefore it is seen to also represent fortitude. The appearance of fortitude in today’s world can be seen as; strength or courage. Fortitude may exist because when times of hardship present themselves it is important that you don’t give up. Fortitude teaches us to have courage in times pain or adversity because the struggle can't last forever. 

The definition of temperance is; Self-discipline from bad influences such as; alcoholic drinks. A symbol that is associated with temperance is; angle. The appearance of temperance today could be seen as self-discipline. Explanation of existence: Temperance exist because it is important to choose the correct path when two different paths are presented. Temperance can teach us to have self-discipline and strength when we need it most. Example when it comes to moments of peer pressure. If you have the powers of temperance you have the powers for great pathways. 

Out of all the seven deadly sin and seven heavenly virtues the one I most relate to is hope. I identify with hope the most because it is about having belief in something no matter how insane. Hope can give comfort to many people in times of worry, that’s why I believe it is important. Have hope. 

To many people the seven deadly sin and seven heavenly virtues are something to take very seriously, to other they are not. These fourteen values are a part of everyone's life, because no one is all good or all evil. Every human has to take a path of good or evil and influence is a part of this. These values are an important aspect and should be considered when decisions are presented in life. So, what value out of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you most relate too? 

Side note: Pictures aren't mine and do not belong to me.

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